SHOWING 11 to 20 OF 177

Illegal alterations are a trap for sellers as well as buyers

Category RealADVICE

Rising interest rates over the past two years have prompted many homeowners to extend their existing properties

Here's why you need an access bond

Category RealADVICE

One of the best financial moves you can make as a homebuyer is to ensure that you have a home loan with an access facility

Eight things you need to do before selling your home

Category RealADVICE

It's important for sellers to ensure that they are properly prepared before deciding to list their properties.

There's more to buying a home than interest rates

Category RealADVICE

The real estate industry holds its breath every time the Reserve Bank makes a rates announcement

Tourism growth sets the stage for rising real estate sales

Category RealADVICE

SA's tourism industry has rebounded remarkably post-Covid, with the number of visitors last year reaching almost 8m in the 11 months to end-November.

The best way to keep your home maintenance resolution

Category RealADVICE

At the start of a new year, one of the best resolutions that homeowners can make is to regularly inspect and maintain their properties

Stay safe while making home improvements

Category RealADVICE

Many South African homeowners opt not to go away but to undertake some DIY home improvements or catch up on some home maintenance or repairs.

Your bonus could be the key to a new life

Category RealADVICE

As December arrives, the holiday season ushers in a spirit of joy and giving. For many employees, it's also the time when they receive a bonus or 13th cheque.

Why big brand agencies are better in a buyers' market

Category RealADVICE

Real estate in SA is currently still very much a buyers' market, even though the inflation rate is trending downward.

Breaking through 'buyer's block'

Category RealADVICE

Finding the dream home that matches your budget is always a challenge, and most homebuyers realise that they need to put lots of time and effort into the search

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